You Did What? (PDF): 99 Playful experiments to live a healthier and happier life
99 Playful experiments to live a healthier and happier life (Downloadable PDF)
Written by productivity expert Matt Cornell, "You Did What?" is a guide to small activities you can easily try that help you be more engaged with your world. Unlike other books on improving your life, his approach uses small observations to foster change naturally through awareness.
The book starts with an essay introducing Matt's unique perspective on treating life as an experiment, details the procedure for how to run experiments (including managing your experimenter's notebook and celebrating your results), and then lists 99 easy experiments grouped by topic - Mindset, Emotions, Relationships, Being present, Community, Just for fun, Health, and Work.
Here's a sneak peek of a bonus one from the financial realm:
Saving Money: For one month count the times you eat out at a restaurant. Don't worry about changing your behavior, just tally them up. Afterwards, look at the final numbers. Did the total surprise you? Did you become more aware of the cost? Did you find yourself thinking about whether to instead eat at home? Were there any patterns you could discern?
Price: From $149.95 to $525.00
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