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Arthritis and Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis, M.D.- Used Hard Cover

Price: $95.00
Arthritis and Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis, M.D.

Used Hard Cover, Good Condition
A Vermont Doctor's accumulation of 200 years worth of arthritis folk remedies.

" If one studies arthritis many years from the Vermont folk medicine viewpoint in time one comes to recognize it as an energy disease, due to a permanent organization of the energy expending mechanism of the body. All the folk medicine remedies used in the treatment of arthritis are those that end the permanent activity of the energy expending mechanism and bring peace and quiet to the body."  Dr. D. C. Jarvis

This classic book should be included in any home medical library. Info on the benefits of iodine as well as cider vinegar, honey and kelp. Again, we are fortunate enough to have obtained a few used, hard cover copies of this rare and now permanently out of print classic.

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